
How to welcome a new employee to the team

Valentina GolubovicValentina Golubovic
Last updated on:
May 22, 2023
Published on:
September 2, 2022

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Being able to quickly and easily welcome a new employee to the company is vital for a smooth on-boarding process. Ensure there is no hard work involved in introducing your new colleague by thinking ahead.

Why a proper welcome is important

Welcoming new staff is a process you can't ignore. Robert half reports that 9 out of 10 employees are willing to quit within the first month if the job doesn’t match their expectations. This figure jumps up slightly for employees leaving during the probation period. One way to prevent this is a sound onboarding process.

Tips on welcoming new staff

Prior introduction 

Arrange the new candidate to speak to an existing employee before their start date. This will give them so familiarity during a period when everything feels completely new. A familiar face at the company will make the new employee feel comfortable and give them a point of contact for any questions or queries.

Regular catch ups

Schedule regular catch-ups for new employees. A study by the Development Academy found that happy employees were 41% more likely to have weekly meetings with their managers than employees looking to leave. One-to-one with your employees helps to build rapport and make them feel valued.

Below are some tips on how you can conduct your meeting effectively:


Consider the appropriate frequency for your meetings. You don’t want your employee to feel micro-managed with daily sessions. Even though in the first weeks this might be helpful, a few months in, the employee may feel like they are under the microscope and will look to leave.


Consider setting an agenda for the meetings. This way, especially early on, it’ll give the employee guidance on what to talk about. While preparing a list of points to discuss can be beneficial, filling up the whole time slot can be too rigid and won't allow for flexibility to discuss other matters which may be on your employee's mind. 


One-to-ones make the employee feel valued and appreciated, but if you are constantly late, it may send the opposite message. Furthermore, continually changing the designated catch-up time a minute before the meeting can also impact employee morale, who may have been eager to discuss their ideas.

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Set an agenda

For the first week, it's good to plan out the employee's schedules so they are not left bored and unsure of what to do, especially if they start remotely. Consider setting up meetings with different departments/employees so the new employee can understand who is responsible for what. Give sufficient time for the employee to complete all their administrative task. This can include setting up their laptop, reading through various company policies, and filling out necessary HR documentation.

Mentorship Scheme 

Provide the new employee with a mentor to assist them in the first few weeks or months. Ideally, this can be a colleague working in the same department with more experience. 50% of professionals say they are likelier to stay at a company with a mentorship program.

Welcome gift

Consider giving a new employee a welcome gift/hamper. A small gesture like this can go a long way in making the employee feel appreciated and valued, boosting morale. It also sends a message that the company prioritises and has a budget for its employees. 

Examples of gifts can include:

  • Company merch 
  • Water bottle
  • Coffee voucher
  • T-shirt
  • Notepad
  • Tea

When terms like ‘quiet quitting’ or ‘The Great Resignation’ have been trending in headlines, it's essential to make sure your employees feel valued and welcome to prevent high staff turnover and increased recruitment costs which negatively impact your business. 

A study by Brandon Hall Group in the US found a strong onboarding process improves new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.  In 2019, the ONS reported that the UK’s average output per worker was 13% below the G7 average. If the UK does have a productivity issue, a solution for this could be a robust onboarding process.

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