Renting a room in your property can often expose you to legal obligations you never expected. Depending on the agreement you make with the occupier, the lodger’s license you believed you granted might actually turn out to be a valid tenancy. Discovering how certain clauses are treated by law means you can avoid the duties of a leasehold landlord.
Legislate has compiled a whole host of information on lodgers for landlords, condensed into one single source. Wondering what exclusive occupation means for your agreement? Curious about when you can evict a lodger? Not sure how a lodger is different from a tenant? Concerned about whether you are complying with health and safety regulations? This white paper provides the know-how to make the right decisions for your business yourself, speeding up the process of administration.
It also sets out why you should be moving away from rigid contract templates and take the leap towards flexible, instantly customizable contracts generated with Legislate.
To find out how to create a lodger licence agreement with Legislate, read our tutorial or watch the animation above.
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