Legal 101

How Tech Can Make Navigating Workers’ Compensation Claims Easier

Valentina GolubovicValentina Golubovic
Last updated on:
May 6, 2024
Published on:
August 23, 2022

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Being injured at work can cause a great deal of stress. You can be in pain and uncomfortable while trying to apply for workers’ compensation. The entire process can sometimes even be frustrating for employers.

However, there’s no denying that technology has made it far easier. Whether you’re an employer or employee, you may enjoy a far more seamless claims process thanks to the following tech advancements:

Online Workers’ Compensation Platforms

In the past, injured worker resources were typically only available in paper form. If injured workers needed help or more information, they had to talk to their employers and healthcare providers. They usually only received paper documents from them. We’ve come a long way since then. We now have access to online platforms for workers’ comp resources, including pharmacy resources and clinical management.

Online Claim Filing

Filling out complicated forms is often the last thing injured employees and their busy bosses feel like doing. You might not even feel competent enough to hold a pen with particular work-related injuries.

Thanks to AI and the advanced digital age, we can now fill out workers’ compensation claims online. Many businesses and insurance providers use mobile apps and form software, so injured workers can fill out their information online quickly and effortlessly. The online claims process involves less paperwork and may ensure more accuracy.


Most injured employees will access medical care through their doctor or an emergency department. This initial treatment is essential for diagnosing injuries and establishing a treatment plan.

After this appointment, many injured workers are required to attend many more appointments. If you have mobility or transport complications after an accident, this can be challenging. However, telemedicine can sometimes plug the gap. You may find it easier and more convenient to attend online and phone appointments for basic check-ups. Telemedicine is often considered efficient and cost-effective for quality healthcare services and outcomes.

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Digital Organization

Workers’ compensation claims can often be complex. These complexities can sometimes mean there is a great deal of paperwork needed to bring a claim to a successful conclusion. Fortunately, the digital age has meant there isn’t as much physical paperwork. We can rely on digital organization and documentation. Everything from incident reports and witness statements to medical records and pharmacy prescription details can be easily organized and accessed on one convenient online platform.

AI Claims Processing

The sooner claims are processed, the faster employees can receive their entitlements, get help, and return to work. However, humans can only work so fast. That’s why AI has been a welcome addition to workers’ compensation claim processing.

Artificial intelligence algorithms can quickly and efficiently assess claim validity, analyze data, and speed up the claims process. They may also quickly identify potentially fraudulent claims and highlight claims requiring human intervention.

Workers’ compensation claims no longer have to be as time-consuming, stressful, and labor-intensive as they once were. We have technology on our side. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of needing to file a workers’ compensation claim, you may enjoy taking advantage of some of the tech above.

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