Can I create a Consultancy Services contract with DocuSign?

Key terms of a Consultancy Services contract

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DocuSign is an e-signature company which now offers additional products such as a contract lifecycle management platform, contract analytics, and a document generator for Salesforce.

A consultancy services contract allows a client to contract a consultant for services or a deliverable which will be defined in the statement of work. A consultant is not an employee of the client. A consultant will be paid a fee for completing the services which can be based on the deliverable or an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly rate.

It is not possible to create a consultancy services contract with DocuSign. However, if you have your own consultancy services contract, you can use DocuSign to e-sign it. However, you will not be able to tailor the template to your requirements within DocuSign. This must happen before using DocuSign.

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Can I create a Consultancy Services contract with Legislate?

Legislate allows you to create a Consultancy Services contract which are tailored to your needs. Legislate templates are lawyer-approved and can be tailored to your specific requirements by answering simple questions.

What are the benefits of using Legislate vs DocuSign for creating a Consultancy Services contract?

Using an e-signature service like DocuSign means you need to source reliable templates, tailor them to your requirements with a lawyer and then circulate them with the other side for review and e-signature. Legislate replaces all these steps and tools with a single end-to-end contract management platform which offers a library of lawyer-approved templates which can be customised to your situation. Simply select the contract you would like to create, set the terms and invite parties for e-signature, directly within Legislate.

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